
Mohammad Anas

Hi there!

I'm Mohammad Anas, a Computer Science graduate and Full-Stack Developer fueled by a passion for crafting seamless user experiences. I wield the power of React and Node.js to bring your ideas to life on both the front-end and back-end.

Always pushing boundaries, I have good knowledge of modern frameworks like Next.js for its blazing-fast performance and SEO-friendliness. On the backend, I leverage the power of NestJS to craft scalable and maintainable server-side applications with a focus on code quality through TypeScript.

Tailwind CSS lets me craft beautiful and responsive UIs in a flash, because speed is just one piece of the puzzle. React Query keeps data fetching smooth and efficient, while TRPC ensures type-safe communication between the front-end and back-end.

I'm comfortable with both SQL and NoSQL databases. Whether it's TypeORM for relational structures or Prisma for a more flexible approach, I can handle it all.

Security first! Uploads are a breeze with Supabase or Amazon S3 Presigned URLs, keeping your data safe and sound.

Ready to collaborate on something awesome? Let's connect!

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